Peace of Mind When Protecting Against Identity Theft with ID Resolution

In 2024, the Federal Trade Commission reported a total of 5.7 million fraud and identity theft cases, including 1.4 million specifically related to identity theft. (Source)

At Exectras, we take your identity management seriously, which is why we’ve partnered with ID Resolution to support you in the event of identity theft.

Given the increasing prevalence of identity theft, it’s crucial for our Members to consider a protection plan before it’s too late.

How to Get Help

If you suspect your identity has been compromised, the process to get assistance through ID Resolution is straightforward:

  1. Log in to the myExectras portal.
  2. Navigate to the Benefits tab on the top menu bar.
  3. Click on Employee Benefits in the left side panel.
  4. Scroll down and select the ID Theft Resolution tile.

Once there, you’ll find a phone number and a group number on the right-hand side. Call the number and provide your name along with the group number. A specialist from ID Resolution will be ready to advocate for you.

Exectras Members are empowered, knowing that comprehensive solutions are available to help them manage identity risks effectively.

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