Exectras Members Save Time and Money on Auto, Home, Renter’s, Pet, Travel, and Home Warranty Insurance

Through our partner Member Options, Exectras Members, can save both time and money by obtaining multiple quotes for Auto, Home, Renter’s, Pet, Travel, and Home Warranty insurance.

Member Options is here to research for you, providing quick access to quotes from top-rated carriers in just minutes. This service can help you save hundreds of dollars annually on various insurance types.

Switch Carriers Anytime

If you decide to change carriers before your old policy expires, Member Options will streamline the process, making it easy and efficient for you.

Types of insurance available:

  • Condo & Renters
  • Pet Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Recreational Vehicle coverage (Boat, RV, Motorcycle, and more)
  • Home Warranty
  • Personal Umbrella Liability

How to Get Started

  1. Log in to the myExectras app.
  2. Navigate to the Benefits tab in the top menu and click on Employee Benefits.
  3. Select the Home and Auto Insurance tile and follow the prompts on the right sidebar to enroll. Member Options makes it easy to secure your new insurance policy.

Just the tip of the iceberg.

This is just one of many benefits Exectras Members enjoy, including Exclusive Discounts, Wellness Resources, Award-Winning Virtual Primary Care, and much more! Speak with a representative now to learn how Exectras can simplify your business!

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